April Kyle

Southcentral Foundation, USA

April Kyle, of Athabascan descent and a Cook Inlet Region, Inc. shareholder, is the President and CEO for Southcentral Foundation’s two-time Malcolm Baldrige Award- winning Nuka System of Care. SCF’s Nuka System of Care is a customer-owned system that provides health care and related services to approximately 65,000 Alaska Native and American Indian people. Nuka has earned national and international recognition for the quality of care it provides. Most recently, Kyle served as Vice President of Behavioral Services which includes crisis, outpatient, integrated, collocated, day and residential program and services. Kyle began her career at SCF in Human Resources in 2003 as a manager and advanced to the Human Resources Director in 2006. Kyle received her master’s degree from the University of Washington Foster School of Business. In 2013 she was nominated by her peers and received the Top 40 Under 40 award from the Alaska Journal of Commerce, and 2014 completed the Alaska Pacific University Alaska Native Executive Leadership Program. Kyle is a mother and a customer-owner. Kyle speaks nationally and internationally on various topics including whole system transformation, behavioral health, leadership, and innovation in the industry.