Helen Lee

Helen Lee, NHS England

NHS England, England

Helen is a qualified nurse with experience of working in both acute and community settings and was Head of Quality Improvement and Experience in a provider organisation prior to her current role. Helen is now Experience of Care Lead with NHS England and is the strategic policy lead for experience of care improvement. Helen is passionate about co-production where people, with lived and learnt experience, partner to understand what matters to people. This ensures improvements are co-designed, sustainable and, ones that will really make a difference.

Helen has seen the huge impact that asking what matters to you can make for people receiving and providing care. This simple question helps us to connect as people and to understand and support each other better.

Internationally, Helen is a member of the Health Improvement Alliance Europe (HIAE) Creating, Leading, and Sustaining a Culture of Quality Workgroup, Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) and a member of the international What Matters To You leadership team.

X/Twitter: @helenlee321_lee #coproduction #ExpOfCare #AlwaysEvents #WMTY #LivedExperience #ImprovingTogether