Parya Rostami

Sheffield Health and Social Care, England

Sheffield Health and Social Care, England

Dr Parya Rostami is the Head of Continuous Improvement at Sheffield Health and Social Care and a UK registered independent prescribing pharmacist. She has worked in healthcare for over 15 years in various settings including community pharmacy, hospital, and general practice. She has also worked in academia and evaluation in various roles including as a research associate and evaluation lead.

Parya has experience in evaluating quality improvement (QI) initiatives at local and national levels and is passionate about helping teams to show the impact of transformation using QI methodology, and ultimately improving outcomes for patients.

Parya has been an invited speaker/judge at numerous national conferences, including the 2 nd national patient safety conference in Brazil and the Bristol Patient Safety Conference. She has a number of peer reviewed papers and reports and has delivered various QI training including for The Health Foundation’s Scaling Up Improvement programme.

Parya is particularly passionate about supporting underrepresented groups within patient and staff communities. She has been involved in various charity work to support this, including widening participation work in secondary schools, but also race equity projects in mental health. She is passionate about gender equality and is currently the co-chair of the Women’s Staff Network Group at Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust.