Siri Wiig

Stavanger University, Norway

Centre for Resilience in Healthcare, at the University of Stavanger (UiS), Norway.

Siri Wiig (1977), PhD, MSc, is Centre Director at SHARE – Centre for Resilience in Healthcare, at the University of Stavanger (UiS), Norway. The SHARE centre is the largest research group in Norway doing research on quality and safety in healthcare. Wiig is full Professor of Quality and Safety in Healthcare Systems at the Faculty of Health Sciences, UiS. Key research interests are resilience in healthcare, patient safety, quality improvement, safety investigations, user involvement, risk regulation, leadership, and learning in socio-technical systems.

Wiig is Adjunct Professor at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Haugesund, Norway and Honorary Professor at Australian Institute of Health Innovation, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Macquarie University, Australia and at the University of Wollongong, Australia. She has been member of national public commissions reporting to the Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services (2013-2015) and to the Ministry of Defence (2015-2016). Wiig has been actively involved in the creation of the Norwegian National Independent Accident Investigation Board in Healthcare (2018). Wiig has been involved in several national and international research projects as project manager, principal investigator, and researcher. Of the most important Wiig is leading the SAFE-LEAD study focusing on leading quality and safety in nursing homes and homecare (2016-2023), funded by the Research Council Norway (RCN). Moreover, Wiig is leading the RCN project Resilience in Healthcare (2018-2024). The RIH project develops a new theoretical and translational framework for resilience and includes an international comparative study across six countries including Australia, England, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Japan, and Norway. The RIH project let up the EU Grant Support4Resilience-Strengthening resilience and mental wellbeing through the Support4Resilience toolbox for leaders in elderly care (2024-2028). EU HORIZON-HLTH-2023-CARE-04-02. University of Stavanger/SHARE Centre for Resilience in Healthcare is coordinator of the consortium of 14 partners from 9 countries, and Wiig is leading project starting 1st March 2024.

Research gate: 

Open access book: Wiig, S. & Fahlbruch, B. (eds). Exploring Resilience: A Scientific Journey from Practice to Theory. Springer Open.  Open access: