L2: Country showcase: Belgium

Thursday 11 April | 12:30-13:00

Format: Presentation
Stream: Populations
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Quality? Quality! Towards a new model of governmental surveillance and enforcement

In this session Vera De Troyer and Lien Van Malderen of Zorgnet-Icuro will present:

  • Zorgnet-Icuro: the role and position of an umbrella organization in healthcare

  • The Belgian/Flemish healthcare system: providing a quick overview

  • Quality? Quality! Towards a new model of governmental surveillance and enforcement on quality of care in a variety of healthcare sectors.

This session outlines a process that started from experienced needs from the field and has been built on a variety of expertise.

It evolved to 11 leading principles for this new model and vision. It is foremost an example of how countries can inspire each other.

Lien Van Malderen Advisor on Aged Care, Zorgnet-Icuro, Belgium

Vera De Troyer Advisor on Quality in Healthcare General Hospitals, Zorgnet-Icuro, Belgium