Mel Smith

Grapevine, Coventry and Warwickshire, England

Relationships matter to Mel in all aspects of her life, from the individual to working deep in communities and through to the boardroom – it all starts with being more human. She is Deputy CEO at Grapevine Coventry & Warwickshire and spends her days working alongside a team of nine Community Organisers. Mel champions leadership that enables local people and communities to become stronger, have the power to take action on the things that matter to them and are more able to influence the systems they live within. Mel believes that strategic relationships for change can be a powerful way of unlocking potential leadership and the willingness to act so that local residents can be advocates for the wants and needs of their whole community. Mel’s team are working alongside local people on a variety of issues: land ownership, road safety, air pollution, trans rights and disability justice as well as place based organising in three specific neighbourhoods.