Fiona Flowers

Social Care Institution for Excellence, England

Social Care Institution for Excellence, England

Fiona has gained extensive knowledge and experience of the UK health, social care and voluntary sectors working for a large national charity, the NHS, government and the police. Fiona has worked clinically across social care and clinical psychology with children with cancer and their families. With a background in mental health, she has also worked with offenders experiencing mental health conditions and worked in HR with employee wellbeing.


Fiona has developed and delivered corporate strategy as well as experience in influencing wider policy, such as the implementation of the NHSE Long Term Plan. Fiona has programmed managed SCIE’s work with the DHSC including work around Social Care reforms and is linked into to multiple working groups within the DHSC including digital aspects of social care.


Key experiences:

  • National programme of system change; led a multi-million pound programme of system change, working across the system to develop integrated models of care that are tailored to local needs and utilise community assets working to ensure efficiencies and driving up quality of care.

  • National evaluation programme led an evaluation programme including leading a Community of Practice

  • Consultancy :  leads many of SCIE’s coproduction and strength-based consultancy programmes, including digital transformation, to support LA’s to benchmark, model demand and understand strength based approaches, coproduction and its impact on services and outcomes, including developing robust business cases for change.