Iris Reijmerink

University Medical Centre Groningen, Netherlands

Iris Reijmerink, University Medical Centre Groningen, Sweden

Iris Reijmerink is an MD/PhD student at the University Medical Centre of Groningen, the Netherlands. Her PhD project entitled “From the O.R. to the boardroom: unravelling the story of stress, fatigue, and well-being in healthcare” is aimed at the enhancement of the overall well-being of healthcare professionals while concurrently addressing potential risks in the quality of care. On an individual level, Iris aims on understanding how surgeons stress and fatigue, and performance variability, collectively impact surgical performance and subsequently the well-being of surgeons. At the organizational level, she explores the role of organizational entities, including hospital leaders and global medical regulators, in fostering and sustaining the well-being of healthcare professionals. Iris has presented part of this topic at multiple conferences, among which at the International forum of Quality and Safety in Healthcare in Glasgow 2019.