C6: Less talk more action: partnering with community to reduce race inequalities

Thursday 11 April 2024 | 15:00-16:00

Format: Workshop

Stream: People

Content filters: Features discussion of community led projects, including those outside of health and care

There is poor race equity in healthcare, and this is particularly worse in mental health settings. For example, black people are 5 times more likely to be detained under the Mental Health Act. Directors from an NHS Mental Health Trust and from community charities will present how they have worked together to improve care for service users from underrepresented groups using a collaborative approach where we listen to the community and experts by experience to understand and improve issues. This includes through innovate new hybrid roles between organisations. We will share the main lessons learnt and recommendations for how to overcome the biggest challenges for setting up such partnerships.

As a result of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Understand how we can better turn talk into visible action for improving Race Equity in healthcare

  • Learn how various QI tools can help to help use improve race equity with various real life examples

  • Have better confidence to have uncomfortable conversations race equity, which are vital to help us to understand and explore how to improve things

David Bussue SACMHA (Sheffield African Caribbean Mental Health Association), England

Melissa Simmonds Sheffield Health and Social Care, England

Parya Rostami Sheffield Health and Social Care, England

Salli Midgley Sheffield Health and Social Care, England