A1: Ending homelessness through applying Improvement Science

Monday 25 July 2022 | 11:20-12:20

Stream: Building Capability and Leadership
Format: Presentation
Content filters: tbc

Advance to Zero Campaign is a groundbreaking national initiative of the Australian Alliance to End Homelessness that supports local collaborative efforts to end homelessness, starting with rough sleeping – one community at a time. Using a range of proven approaches from around the world communities are supported not just to address or even reduce homelessness, but to end it.

Improvement Science has been one of the key enablers of the global and Australian movement to end Homelessness.

This session will introduce the Advance to Zero Campaign, share how it’s being applied through the End Street Sleeping Collaboration in New South Wales, and discuss the opportunities for further integration of health and homelessness services through improvement science.

The Ends Street Sleeping Collaboration (ESSC) is a collective impact initiative whose goal is to halve rough sleeping across NSW by 2025 and work toward ending it by 2030. They are a collaboration between governments, non-government organisations, philanthropists, businesses, and the community who are committed to our vision that no person should sleep on the streets in NSW. As a not-for-profit organisation, the ESSC leads the collaborative effort and guide the collective impact of our partners.

David Pearson, Australian Alliance to End Homelessness; Australia

Jeremy Harris, End Street Sleeping; Australia

Erin Longbottom, St Vincent’s Hospital Homeless Health Service; Australia