David Codyre


Consultant Psychiatrist/Clinical Director Mental Health, Tamaki Health, and Clinical Director, Tū Whakaruruhau (Auckland Wellbeing Collaborative); New Zealand

David is a psychiatrist with 30 years experience working in the community mental health sector in New Zealand, in a range of clinical and leadership roles. He has spent the past 15 years leading development of primary mental health programmes, and advocating at a regional and national level for strengthening of primary mental health capacity, along with better support for primary care from secondary mental health services.

He currently works with Tamaki Health, a network of clinics providing team-based primary care services to populations in high-needs areas of Auckland, NZ. He has lead development of an innovative and comprehensive programme integrated into GP clinics, and supporting patients with both mental health and medical long term conditions. He is currently seconded half time as Clinical Director of the Auckland Wellbeing Collaborative, supporting implementation of this model integrating wellness support into all GP clinics in Auckland over the next 3-4years. David is also Lead Psychiatrist to Whakarongorau, the National Telehealth Service – the home of 1737 “Need to Talk”, the Depression Helpline, Drug/Alcohol Helpline, and Gambling Helpline.