Malcolm Green

Director 100,000 Lives Program, Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI); Australia

Following the completion of a Bachelor of Nursing degree and then Master of Nursing (Critical Care) from the University of Sydney, Malcolm spent 17 years working as a registered nurse in a variety of roles including clinical practice, education and management in Intensive Care Units in the NSW and NHS public health systems.

Before joining the IHI, Malcolm worked for 10 years at the NSW Clinical Excellence Commission (CEC). As the Principal Lead for Patient Safety Improvement Programs at the CEC, he provided strategic direction and authoritative advice on the development, implementation, evaluation and refinement of state-wide quality and safety improvement strategies, priorities and programs including Deteriorating Patients, Sepsis, Fall and Pressure Injury Prevention and Perinatal Safety Education.

Malcolm is an appointed advisor to the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care and the Vice President and on the Board of Directors of the Australian College of Critical Care Nurses.
Following the completion of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement Advisor Program, Malcolm continues to teach Quality Improvement Science at a local and national level as part of the IHI faculty.