Laura Wilson

Policy and Practice Lead; Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Scotland
Laura is the Policy and Practice Lead at the Royal Pharmaceutical Society in Scotland. Laura comes from a community background where she spent 14 years as a pharmacy manager. With a special interest in addiction and mental health, Laura gained her independent prescribing qualification in psychiatry in 2008. Since then, she has prescribed in various roles, most recently in addiction services, prescribing for patients with opiate addiction. Laura spent 7 years of her career as an Advanced Pharmacist in Addictions. Some highlights from that time include being a member of HM inspectorate of Prisons for Scotland and spending 2 years in education as a teacher practitioner at Strathclyde University. Laura joined the RPS in March 2021 and leads on policy development and professional support for pharmacists in Scotland. She also leads, from a policy perspective, the organisations Sustainability and Health inequalities workstreams on a GB basis.