B9: Developing authentic partnering with patients for quality and safety

Tuesday 16 May | 13:15-14:30

Format: Workshop
Stream: Person and Family Centred Care
Content filters: Co-presented with patients, service users or carers

Delegates will hear from experts by experience and staff from a large university teaching hospital and a community and mental health trust in Southampton, UK.  Sharing programmes of work, we will illustrate how we are embedding an authentic partnership with patients in quality and safety. Attendees will be encouraged to contribute their experience; supporting an ‘all learn all teach’ approach in building a culture with patients at the heart of healthcare.

Key elements:

  1. Shared decision making 

  2. Sight loss support programme 

  3. Quality and Patient Safety partners – building a community of patient leaders 

  4. Working alongside patients in quality improvement 

After this session, participants will be able to: 

  • Feel inspired to work with patients/users so that they are in the DNA of the partnership

  • Reflect on how they might utilise the learning from the projects shared to help them with their partnering with patients

  • Have a clear idea of something they can go and act on in their own area to accelerate their work on keeping patients at the heart of healthcare

Christina Rennie, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, England

Kate Pryde, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, England

Helen Bulbeck, Braintrust – the brain cancer people, UK

Carl Adams, Solent NHS Trust, England

Kristian Gibson, Southampton Slght; England