W5: Creatively confronting leadership challenges in quality and safety:
A management research pecha kucha and discussion

Monday 15 May | 09:00-12:30

Format: Half day workshop
Stream: Building Capability and Leadership
Content filters: n/a

Leading efforts to improve healthcare quality and safety is a creative act. Essential to your arsenal for navigating tricky challenges is exposure to diverse conceptual frameworks and exemplars that are grounded in a solid evidence base. This pecha kucha session brings together a select group of the world’s leading management and leadership from healthcare and beyond. The workshop will start with a pecha kucha – a series of short, engaging, mostly visual presentations on the topics listed below. The pecha kucha session will be followed by two rounds of facilitated small-group discussion with the presenters and your professional peers. This will be an opportunity for you to explore the ideas presented in more depth, and to relate it to your work.

Topics include:

  • A strategic attention perspective on leadership in healthcare

  • Moving from what we know to what we do’: Distributing leadership to translate evidence into practice

  • Know Your Place! Why it pays to be posh in UK medical careers – and how class discrimination makes medicine less safe

  • Why is it so damn hard to change healthcare? The invisible stickiness of institutions and professional identity

  • Doctors on the board: it makes a difference, but not how you think’

  • Mitigating Bias in Organizations: Debiasing vs. Choice Architecture

  • Learning from bad things that don’t happen: making sense of risk and resilience

  • “We thought we knew it all!”: Experiences of failure and uncertainty in clinical work

Professor Amit Nigam, Bayes Business School; England

Dr. Louise Ashley, Queen Mary University of London; England

Dr. Yiannis Kyratsis, Department of Organization Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; The Netherlands 

Professor Ian Kirkpatrick, School for Business and Society, University of York; England

Professor Gina Dokko, Graduate School of Management, University of California Davis; United States

Professor Irene Scopelliti, Bayes Business School; England

Dr. Amelia Compagni, Department of Social and Political Sciences, Bocconi University; Italy

Professor Carl Macrae, Nottingham University Business School; England