B2: The challenges for Ukrainian healthcare: how to keep resilience during the war.

Tuesday 16 May | 13:15-14:30

Format: tbc
Stream: Building Capability and Leadership
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During the war in Ukraine our healthcare system has faced numerous challenges and problems. Many doctors must adapt their daily practice to the new conditions. They should learn how to manage patients with different conditions, such as: combat trauma, mental disorders, all kinds of rehabilitation for both military and civilians etc. So, Ukrainian healthcare workers must unite their efforts and work together moving forward and meeting the challenges of the war. It also motivates our colleagues to improve their knowledge and skills regarding the quality and safety of their daily practice.

By the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  1. Understand more about the work of Ukrainian doctors in this difficult and extreme time of the war

  2. Know how to keep a professional and patient-centered approach despite pressure of the condition of the war

  3. Appreciate how to improve communication within the medical multidisciplinary teams and how to unite the efforts within the medical society meeting the challenges of the war

Rustam Zhuraev, Salutas Medical Centre, Ukraine

Olesya Vynnyk, Ukrainian World Congress, Ukraine

Oksana Hdyrya, Lviv Regional Children’s Hospital, Ukraine