Lisbeth Lauge Andersen

Student, Roskilde University; Denmark
I am a Ph.D. student at Roskilde University. My background as a nurse in mental health as well as somatic health care constitutes the backbone of my research. I have a master´s degree in health science and years of experience as a lecturer in nursing education focussing on mental health, ethics, and discourses in health care. Currently, I am working on a qualitative, participatory health research project in cooperation with Roskilde University and REFAS in Region Zealand in Denmark, exploring what´s at stake in the encounter between people with lived experience of mental health issues and the somatic part of the health care system. This encounter is known to be potentially overwhelming for both parties, compromising both patient safety, equity in health, and nurses´ work environment. The aim is to develop mutual learning and knowledge on dialogical aspects of this encounter, and I therefore invite nurses and people with lived experience to participate as co-researchers. Through the participatory project design, the voices and narratives of people with lived experience and somatic nurses are being heard, brought together through a series of collaborative workshops.