Handouts and presentations

See all available handouts or presentations from the International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare Gothenburg 2022 (20-22 June 2022).

Tuesday 21 June

A1: Creating tomorrow today; tackling the dilemmas at the heart of transformational change – slides 1

A2: Let’s talk about power in patient partnership – slides 1

A2: Let’s talk about power in patient partnership – slides 2

A3: Innovations for improving equity and safety of cancer care – slides 1

A3: Innovations for improving equity and safety of cancer care – slides 2

A3: Innovations for improving equity and safety of cancer care – slides 3

A3: Innovations for improving equity and safety of cancer care – slides 4

A5: Leading in complex systems – slides

A6: How to make data count when it comes to engaging people – slides

A7: How Safety 2 thinking helps improve haemovigilance, diagnostic error and allows us to learn from excellence – slides 1

A7: How Safety 2 thinking helps improve haemovigilance, diagnostic error and allows us to learn from excellence – slides 2

A8: Integrated care: Learning from the Swedish experience – slides 1

A8: Integrated care: Learning from the Swedish experience – slides 2

A9: Improving mental health at a population level – what can we learn from the UK and Sweden – slides 1

B1: What have we learned? Two Scandinavian approaches to covid-19 – slides

B2: TeamSTEPPS: Patient Safety through improved Teamwork – slides

B3: Integrate to personalise health care: A view from the Netherlands – slides

B4: The future is digital? Two perspectives from Sweden – slides 1

B4: The future is digital? Two perspectives from Sweden – slides 2

B5: A new multidimensional quality model for patients, their kin, professionals and providers – slides

B6: Bringing ward rounds into the 21st century using interdisciplinary inpatient review – slides

B7: How public health and scientific improvement controlled malaria and helped win WWII – slides

B8: Co-creation: shared decision making, health diplomacy and co-designing safety – slides

C1: Acting with kindness is central to delivering high quality care – slides

C2: Communicating for Behaviour Change – how can we help people to do things differently? – slides

C3: What is the opportunity to rethink governance, risk and assurance in the context of workforce pressures, clinician burn out and a care backlog? – slides

C4: Longing for integrated care: the importance of governance and culture in building the steps for success – slides

C5: Can building a culture of psychological safety be the key to radically improved patient safety? – slides

C6: Game On! Using gamification to increase access to human skills and knowledge – slides

C7: Life is for living! Population based approaches can beat involuntary loneliness – slides

C8: Aligning the world of improvement and digital: collaborating for technology-enabled care – slides

C9: A co-produced model for investigation and learning from suicide cases in healthcare – slides

Wednesday 22 June

BR2: Clinical decision support for patients with comorbidities: enabling safer care, higher quality, and shared decision-making (Breakfast session hosted by BMJ) – slides

BR3: IHI Fellows Networking Breakfast – slides

BR5: How do we solve the shortage of nurses and ensure public health and patient safety globally and nationally? – slides

D1: Innovations that can reduce the impact of healthcare on the environment – slides

D2: What’s next for QI? How we create new models for improvement – slides

D3: Rest and recovery post-covid: a necessary step for quality – slides

D4: What does it take to establish a reliable quality system? A safety conversation – slides

D5: Interested in implementing person-centred care? We have the tools to help! – slides

D6: Making “learning” part of routine “doing” in health care – slides

D6: Making “learning” part of routine “doing” in health care – handouts

D7: A bootcamp for leaders – slides

D8: Child health in Sweden – 3 projects to improve equity and give all children the best start in life – slides

D9: Information driven healthcare – turning data into health for patients and quality of care – slides

E1: Medicine in Ukraine at war: keeping resilience while delivering emergency disaster response – slides 1

E1: Medicine in Ukraine at war: keeping resilience while delivering emergency disaster response – slides 2

E2: Building virtual communities – slides

E3: Improving safety and quality in community care across Denmark – slides

E4: Learning from patients on how to manage covid-19 – slides

E6: Transformative Innovation in Swedish Health Care – slides

E7: Spreading improvement: the when, how and who – slides

E8: Using improvement to foster workforce well-being and combat burnout – slides

F1: What matters to you? – experience from 4 countries – slides

F3: How Dutch hospitals continue their quality and safety journey – slides 1

F3: How Dutch hospitals continue their quality and safety journey – slides 2

F3: How Dutch hospitals continue their quality and safety journey – slides 3

F3: How Dutch hospitals continue their quality and safety journey – slides 4

F4: Improving flow in the acute setting – slides 1

F4: Improving flow in the acute setting – slides 2

F5: Tackling population health together in Europe – what have we learned from the Health Improvement Alliance Europe – slides

F6: New Pathways to Drive Elective Recovery and Better Care – slides

F7: Afterthought- meta reflections on the conference through the lens of improvement and implementation research – slides

F8: How do they do that? Using Appreciative Enquiry to Develop Safety Culture – slides